take it or explode it

Friday, April 27, 2012


1:05 PM Posted by Lily Rofil No comments

Hi readers,

We, even once, ever watch or hear about child abuse, don't we? How do you feel when you see a child gets abused? How do you feel when you are exactly that child? Let's think about it.

Children are small angels that God gives us. We have to protect them instead of abusing them. When we see they are smiling, don't we feel happy? When we see they are growing very well, don't we get excited? They can be a source of happiness in a family, so why does child abuse exist even in a family?

A boy gets beaten by his mother or his father. A girl gets raped by her own uncle. A boy and a girl who are abandoned by their own parents and live on streets. Sky becomes their roof. Earth becomes their mat. They eat others' leftover. A child that is treated like a dog. A child that is always left at home alone. All these cases can be counted as child abuse. Are we willing to see it every day in our lives?

Children are human beings too. But why there are certain people treat them like animals? They have to work very hard like an adult just to support their parents or just to make their parents or their guardians do not beat them. They are prohibited to eat just because they are not intentionally pour hot tea on their parents' fancy clothes. They get scolded because they do not get A in Math class. Those do not make sense. Those are cruel, very very cruel.

Children are just children. They are lack of life experiences but they can feel. They can feel someone doesn't like them. They can feel how to make other people, especially their parents, happy. They can feel what their parents feel. So, if they get beaten, treated like a chicken, tortured, raped, they may feel they are not welcome to this world. They will absolutely feel depressed deep in their heart.

They may not know how to tie their shoe-laces. We know, so why don't we help them and teach them properly instead of kicking them? They may not know how to use spoons. We know, so why don't we feed them and give them try using spoons little by little instead of let them died because of famine? They may know what are their sexual organs use for. We know so we should tell them that their sexual organs must not be seen, touched, or tortured by other people including their closest relatives.

We adults are mature than they are. We are clever than they are. We know everything better than they do. We can think clearer than they do. So, starting from now, we must promise to ourselves that we do not want child abuse to happen in our surrounding again.

It can be started from me. I, Lily, promise myself not to want child abuse happen in my surrounding. I do not want girls to get raped. I do not want boys wandering on streets to ask for coins. I do not want girls to be traded like economic commodity. I do not want girls to serve adult sex need. I do not want children to drop out from schools. I do not want children to hold weapons to protect their country. The country must protect them instead. I do not anything related to abusing children to happen to them. I want children live happily as they have to be. I want children to grow up properly. That's why, I raise my hands and yell it loud: STOP CHILD ABUSE NOW!


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